With the Google Fonts collection surpassing 900 fonts, it can be hard to choose the right font combinations. In this article we are going to look at some of the most popular combinations as well as some of our favourites.
The most popular Google Fonts can be seen here.
Most Popular
Roboto Slab + Open Sans
The most popular Google Fonts are Roboto, Open Sans and Lato, so naturally the most popular font combinations include those too.

Oswald + Open Sans

Slabo 27px + Lato

Roboto Condensed + Roboto

Montserrat + Lora

Our Favourites
Here we’ve tried to highlight some less well-known, but equally stunning font combinations.
Caveat + Merriweather

Source Sans Pro + Source Serif Pro

Volkhov + Carla

Spectral + Rubik

Work Sans Bold + Work Sans Light

Nunito Sans Bold + Nunito Sans Light